The Disservice We Do To Ourselves
Today, in a warm adobe of home, I felt small. As if I was nothing & had no value whatsoever. Since I have been on the healing journey for over 3 years now, managed to change the narrative & wrote this. Hope this makes sense to you as a reader. Na bhi ho toh its absolutely fine :)
Just a piece of my heart for you. Here we go:
We do a disservice to our inner self every day & every night. The idea that being someone is a matter of pride, evades us time & again.
“Who am I if not a lawyer, manager, CEO, teacher, Ph.D.?”
We put ourselves on these invisible weighing machines. These machines are internal & run on a social battery. These machines weigh our worth, esteem, and value. That’s a lot!
Precisely why it breaks and crumbles. Perhaps the crumbling is a reminder to stop being so hard on ourselves & pause. Pause to see the unnecessary baggage we put on ourselves every day to sail through the journey called life.
Life is meant to be lived. Yes, living is not a choice but a privilege. If you have the privilege, take the baton while it’s being passed to you. Not sure if there’s anything like “too late” but there sure is “missing out” on life.
No, you don’t have to laugh or smile all the time. That’s dishonest & not the intent. You have to strive to be true to yourself & care for it like you would for the most precious soul in your life.
Don’t do a disservice to yourself. It’s not fair & not worth it.