Freedom At Night
You go out of the house
To fall for the beauty around
As the sky dims
You go out to light it up with your desires
Maybe you find someone to love or you don’t
Maybe you conquer a fear or simply sip the underwhelming tea
You still go out of the house to choose
As the night falls
You search for more lights
Lights beyond the desires because let’s be honest
Desires come with expiry
So now it’s instincts, experience and honesty to make it all still alive
The night is uncompromising
It rewards the brave
Maybe you survive, maybe you don’t
The light within you still wants space
Space to hold interiority, strength and the freedom
So, do you get the light or the chivalry to survive?
Maybe. Or maybe not.
But you still step out, everyday and everytime because life demands an open space.
To breathe. To live.